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a bit about me:

     The more I explore all nursing has to offer, the more I see how nursing and I fit together like lock-and-key. I consider it a true blessing to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am pursuing God's intention for my life. It is so satisfying to be sure of this. I love nursing! I love being humbled by the complexities of the human body, mind and spirit. I find myself misty-eyed performing simple acts of nursing, knowing God will use my interactions to impact the life He has put in front of me for the day.

     I know that in whatever way I choose to employ my nursing skills, my calling is to reach those who are unwell, underprivileged, cast out, misunderstood, or otherwise in need of support. I desire to meet those people in their world, establish relationships, and make their lives a little better. For ultimately, that is what we are here to do as nurses: to serve all types in their time of need and vulnerability, without judgment or bias, but with love.

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